Word of the Day: Decal

Definition: (n.) a design (such as a picture or a label) prepared on special paper that can be transferred onto another surface (skin, nails, glass, paper, metal, etc.);

The reason I am highlighting this word is because recently nail decals have been all the rage (or in fashion). Here are some examples of nail decals from user IHeartNailArt on Etsy (Source: https://www.etsy.com/shop/IHeartNailArt?ref=l2-shopheader-name)

Nail Decals Color Block Test Screen and Static Tv Nail Art Set

Palm Tree Nail Decals

Galaxy Nail Art Decals Space is the Place

Word of the Day: Ubiquitous



ubiquitous (adj.) – found everywhere, ever-present;

[Tip: try dividing the word into syllables to make it easier to pronounce: u-biq-ui-tous]


Bacteria are ubiquitous in our world. According to the US National Institute of Health, bacteria are a few micrometers in length and have a number of shapes, ranging from spheres to rods and spirals.

Note: the word ‘bacteria’ is a plural noun.

Auditory Context:


YouTube user oldthinkernews

Word of the Day: Thimble

File:French mother of pearl thimble.jpg

Title: Palais Royal, French, mother of pearl thimble
Author: Llangefni (Wikipedia)
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:French_mother_of_pearl_thimble.jpg


thimble (noun) – a small, pitted, cup-like instrument that is used on the (index) finger for its protection when pushing a needs while sewing;


The tailor decided not to use his thimble, but pricked his finger half a dozen times.

Auditory Context:

YouTube user expertvillage

Word of the Day: Pitch

Source: Google Images

Source: Google Images



This word has many definitions (see http://www.thefreedictionary.com/pitch and below). Most often, however, you will hear the word ‘pitch’ used in relation to sports (i.e. baseball), music, or when doing business (i.e. to pitch an idea to someone), the latter of which is a more colloquial (day-to-day, informal) use of the word.

Definitions (and context):

pitch (noun) – music – the tone at which a note resonates and/or makes a sound;

Example: The singer’s pitch was much too high; she could not replicate the low, vibrating sound for the song her counterpart was playing on the piano.

pitch (verb) – baseball – to throw something with careful aim;

Example: The baseball pitcher pitched the ball right into the audience.

pitch (verb) – informal, business context – to illustrate an idea for somebody in order to obtain their support;

Example: The start-ups had 5 minutes to pitch their ideas to investors. All but one were selected to go on to the next round of pitches.

Audio-Visual Context:

YouTube user Richard Dargan


Happy Friday everyone!

We hope you have all enjoyed a fantastic week. We would like to remind you all of the words we featured this week (first, below) and encourage you to revise them before taking the *surprise* quiz (second, below). That said, here are this week’s words and expressions. Good luck!

1. tag

2. crest

3. response

4. to be full

5. to be stuffed



Question 1.

What do you say when you have eaten too much and cannot eat anything else?

a) Tag!

b) More, please!

c) I’m stuffed!

d) I’m hungry!


Question 2.

The lady in the story below is describing something. Can you identify what she is describing?

“Well, he came up behind me and almost pushed me over. He yelled something very quickly, I could not understand, and then he continued running while looking behind him, almost as if he wanted me to run after him. I just wish I knew what he yelled out when he touched me…”


Question 3.

True or False

a. A crest refers to something below ground.

b. A response refers to something that answers a question.

c. A response refers to a reaction to something.

d. A crest is often related to a high place, whether physical or imaginary.



Word of the Day: Xenophobia



xenophobia* (noun) – irrational fear of the strange, foreign or unknown;

*pronounced with a ‘z’ sound as in [zee-na-fo-bee-uh]


According to its author, Jenny, the picture above is an “interpretation of ‘xenophobia’ unraveling the threads of American society.”

Source: http://jennyfan.com/blog/social-justice/

Auditory Context:

WARNING: This video may contain violent and graphic images unsuitable for some people. Please watch at your own discretion. Also, please note that neither this video nor the images above express the opinions of the English-in-America Team; these tools are chosen by the blog editors to illustrate the context of the Word of the Day in the best way possible. Thank you for your understanding and please feel free to e-mail the EiA Team with any questions or comments.

YouTube user The Real News

Word of the Day: Remnant

Title: Pieces of Cloth
Author: We Can Re-Do It Blog
Source: wecanredoit.blogspot.com


remnant (n.) – a small, remaining quantity of some thing;

(adj.) – remaining;


You can repurpose remnant pieces of cloth to make clothing for dolls, covers for books and even pillow cases!

Auditory Context:

YouTube channel Armchair Builder

Word of the Day: Inescapable

Title: Heat wave in New York City
Source: New York Daily News


inescapable (adj.) – inevitable; impossible to escape;


The August heat of New York subways is inescapable.

Auditory Context:

YouTube channel IFCFilmsTube